Calls: Manage Numbers

This article goes over the Manage Numbers section of the Calls tab.

Manage Numbers

The Manage Numbers section on the Calls tab allows your dealership to create and manage your call tracking numbers, whether they are DNI numbers or manual call tracking numbers.

Creating new manual call tracking numbers

  1. You can start by clicking the  new number  button. 
  2. Choose the department for the call tracking number. Type in the phone number that you would like to attach the call trackers to. You will also need to type in the call tracking area code. Click Create when you are done filling in the fields.
  3. After clicking Next, you will see a list of platforms that we can create call tracking numbers for. Select your choices. If a platform is not listed, you can also click Add New to create a call tracking number for a different platform. Click Next. *Please note that once you click "Next," you will create these numbers so ensure that all the information is correct before continuing.
  4. You will see a confirmation message (below) once you are successful in creating the phone number(s).
  5. The status of the call trackers will remain pending until we retrieve the phone numbers. 
  6. Once you have obtained all the phone numbers, the status of the tracking phone number will be Active. These tracking phone numbers will be listed beside the arrow for the account phone number (shown below).
  7. You can set a description or source/medium for the tracking phone numbers. The two types of call trackers are manual and automanaged..
    • Automanaged call trackers use dynamic number insertion and change based on performance. If a number is not performing well, the status of the call tracker will be marked as flagged. This means that Orbee is in the process of changing the phone number with the hopes of better performance. Automanaged call trackers are best for internet sources for your website phone numbers. If you would like DNI phone numbers, please contact an Orbee representative.
    • Manual call trackers are the call trackers that are obtained from the steps above. Those call trackers need to be manually placed on the third-party websites or on traditional advertisements. These numbers can be put on all forms of advertisements to track where they came from (billboards, radio, TV, etc.)
  8. If you forgot to set up a vendor or would like to add an additional vendor to an existing number, you can click on the + NEW VENDOR button to add more call tracking numbers. 
  9. To view the performance of your call trackers, check out the Call Reports section of the Calls tab. 

Last Updated: June 11, 2020 10:46 AM

The next section of this tab is the Call Me Widget.